HIV-Nordic is “The co-operative body of the Nordic umbrella-organizations for people living with HIV(PLHIV)”. HIV-Nordic was founded in 1995 and the organizations included in HIV-Nordic are HIV-Denmark, HivNorway, HivFinland , HIV-Sweden and HIV-Iceland.

The Board of HIV-Nordic consist of 10 Board Members, 2 from each member organization. The HIV-Nordic secretariat has since 1999 been at HIV-Sweden in Stockholm, where it also has its legal status.


The Nordic HIV Experience

– live event in Copenhagen

HIV-Nordic, on the 27th of April 2024, organized a live stream and event at Aidsfondet in central Copenhagen . For a short summary, click here.


Contact us

c/o Hiv-Sweden
Industrigatan 6
112 45, Stockholm, Sweden

Contact Us